Singing at the Spire
Chesterfield Parish Church Choir
Music has been important part of life at Chesterfield Parish Church for centuries.
Music enriches our worship and invites us to explore the Word of God in a way no other art form can. It also brings us together – people of all ages and backgrounds – in a collective activity that strengthens faith.
Chesterfield Parish Church is proud to maintain a strong musical tradition, and the established choir includes adult choirmen, student lay clerks, choral scholars and boy and girl choristers.
The choir has a varied repertoire; anthems and service settings are sung, from medieval to modern, accompanied and unaccompanied, in one of England’s most significant Medieval buildings. To see what’s on at the church take a look at the music list here
Being a Chorister means…
- Receiving expert musical and vocal training from the music staff.
- Developing crucial life skills such as self-discipline, initiative and teamwork
- Developing confidence through performing to a high standard
- Visting some of the country’s finest cathedrals to sing as a visiting choir
- Making new friends and having fun, with regular social events outside rehearsals and performances
The Organist & Choirmaster is Peter Shepherd – email

Joining the Choir
Chesterfield Parish Church is always looking for new choristers aged between 7 and 13. The young people should be enthusiastic and keen to learn. They do not need to play a musical instrument, but it helps if they do. Many former choristers have gone on to pursue careers in music.
Joining the Choir
Choirmen & Lay Clerks
Enquires from adult singers are always welcome; previous musical experience would be beneficial but is not necessary.
A number of lay clerk bursaries are available for young people aged 15 to 25. Lay clerks should already be confident singers with good sight-reading skills, and are selected by interview and audition. Lay Clerks are committed to maintaining and developing musical standards, and gain experience in church music.

What’s Involved
Being in a choir is a big commitment, but is hugely rewarding.
Apart from weekly rehearsals, the choir sings at two services on Sundays during term time:
- 10.30am – Choral Mass
- 6.30pm – Choral Evensong
The choir attends 60 minutes prior to services for a rehearsal.
In addition to the usual Sunday services, there are some special services, particularly before Christmas and Easter.
The choir rehearsals and Sunday service schedule can be found here
All enquiries should be made to the Organist & Choirmaster – Peter Shepherd – email